December 1, 2023
Advisory Neighborhood Commission 4E was created through redistricting and its members sworn in on January 2, 2023. Six Commissioners were elected to ANC 4E and served from January 2023 through the end of the 2023 fiscal year in September 2023. The Commissioners were:
Vanessa Rubio, SMD 4E01
Marlene Hunt Moss, SMD 4E02
Maria Barry, SMD 4E03
Carla Ferris, SMD 4E04
Ulysses E Campbell, SMD 4E05
Pavan Khoobchandani, SMD 4E06
ANC 4E’s Officers for the 2023 term were:
Pavan Khoobchandani, Chairperson
Maria Barry, Vice Chairperson
Vanessa Rubio, Secretary
Ulysses E Campbell, Treasurer
ANC 4E held six duly noticed regular public meetings in FY 2023. The meetings in January through April were conducted virtually, while the meetings starting in May 2023 were conducted in person at the Latin American Montessori School. Each meeting offered an opportunity for presentations by the Executive Office of the Mayor, the office of Ward 4 Councilmember Janeese Lewis George, and Ward 4 State Board of Education Representative Frazier O’Leary, as well as a community comment period. The key issues voted on by ANC 4E in FY 2023 were:
Requirements relating to the administration of the Commission such as adopting Bylaws, setting up a bank account, participating in the Security Fund, approving a PO Box and office rental, and adopting a budget and a meeting schedule.
ANC 4E voted to support ZC 22-12, the application of Mid-Atlantic Neighborhood Development Corporation to increase zoning from MU-3A to MU-7A at 4411 14th Street NW and directly adjacent properties in anticipation of the development of affordable senior housing by Xo Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority.
A BZA application for a special exception and a public space permit at 5702 Georgia Avenue NW
ANC 4E voted to enthusiastically support proposed legislation to symbolically recognize 14th Street NW between Allison St. NW and Arkansas Avenue NW in honor of the Xo Omega Chapter of AKA sorority.
ANC 4E convened a Traffic Safety Committee to identify and advise on pedestrian and traffic safety issues in the Commission area.