ANC 4E Neighborhoods
ANC 4E is located in the Northwest section of Washington, DC, and includes the historic neighborhoods of Crestwood and 16th Street Heights. You can find which ANC and Single Member District you are part of by searching your address here.
The official geographic boundaries of ANC 4E are as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of the center line of Rock Creek and Military Road, N.W.; then east along Military Road, N.W.; then east along Missouri Avenue, N.W.; then south along Georgia Avenue, N.W.; then west along Allison Street, N.W.; then southwest along Arkansas Avenue, N.W.; then southwest along Piney Branch Parkway, N.W., to its end at an intersection with Beach Drive, N.W.; then southwest along a projected line extending Piney Branch Parkway, N.W., southwest to the center line of Rock Creek; then north along the center line of Rock Creek to the point of beginning.
Please visit the following websites to learn more about ANC 4E neighborhoods: