Section 1. The name of this Commission is Advisory Neighborhood Commission 4E. It is established by DC Code § 1–309.02, as amended. The boundaries of the Commission are as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of the center line of Rock Creek and Military Road, N.W.; then east along Military Road, N.W.; then east along Missouri Avenue, N.W.; then south along Georgia Avenue, N.W.; then west along Allison Street, N.W.; then southwest along Arkansas Avenue, N.W.; then southwest along Piney Branch Parkway, N.W., to its end at an intersection with Beach Drive, N.W.; then southwest along a projected line extending Piney Branch Parkway, N.W., southwest to the center line of Rock Creek; then north along the center line of Rock Creek to the point of beginning.
Section 1. The Commission has the duties, powers and responsibilities described in DC Code § 1–309.10, as amended.
Section 1. The Commission shall he comprised of those persons duly elected to represent the Single Member Districts within the Commission area.
Section 2. All members shall have equal voting rights following the principle of one person, one vote. There shall be no voting by proxy.
Section 1. The Commission shall elect a Chairperson, a Vice Chairperson, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.
Section 2. The election shall take place in January of each year.
Section 3. Each candidate for office shall be nominated by a member of the commission. Commissioners may nominate themselves. Seconds are not required.
Section 4. When nominations are closed, the voting shall take place as determined by the Commission at that time. However, no secret ballots are allowed.
Section 5. The elected officers shall be elected to serve for one year or until their successors are elected. Their terms of office shall commence at the close of the meeting at which they are elected. In the event of a vacancy, the officer filling the vacant position shall only serve out the term of the officer he or she replaced.
Section 6. A simple majority shall be required for election of officers. If there is not simple majority after the first ballot, there shall be an election between the candidates receiving the most votes.
Section 7. If there is a vacancy among the officers, the Commission shall hold an election the next meeting of the Commission. If there is a vacancy in the office of Treasurer, the Commission may hold a special meeting to elect a new Treasurer.
Section 8. The Chairperson shall serve as a convenor of the Commission and shall chair the Commission meetings. In the event any vote will affect the Chairperson’s own position the Vice Chairperson shall act as the presiding officer. The Chairperson shall not have the right to take any action not provided for herein or in the DC Code, such as unilaterally supervising staff, deciding the Commission’s meeting schedule, or being the ANC’s sole representative to the DC government.
Section 9. The Chairperson shall have the power to call special meetings of the Commission and of the Executive Committee.
Section 10. In the Chairperson's absence, or when the Chairperson wishes to give up the chair, the Vice-Chairperson shall act as the chair. In the event the Commission does not have a Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson or the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson are absent, a Chairperson Pro-Tempore shall preside. Any currently serving officers may be eligible to serve in this role. The order that officers are listed in the Bylaws shall serve as the order in which each officer may assume the role. An officer may opt out of serving in the role which shall pass the role to the next officer. If there are no officers, or no more officers willing to serve, the Commission shall randomly select a Commissioner to call a meeting to order and preside over the immediate election of a Chairperson if there is no active Chairperson or a Chairperson Pro-Tempore.
Section 11. The Secretary shall ensure that minutes are kept for all meetings of the commission and that copies are distributed to all members of the Commission. The Secretary shall also ensure that notice is given for all Commission meetings as required by District law.
Section 12. The Secretary shall serve as the central repository of copies of minutes of all standing, special and administrative committees.
Section 13. The Treasurer shall be responsible for developing a draft annual fiscal year budget to by approved by the Commission, preparing and submitting quarterly financial reports in accordance with District law following their approval by the Commission, keeping the Commission's financial records and accounts, and for executing its expenditures in accordance with District law. No expenditure of any amount may be made without authorization by the Commission. Each expenditure over $50.00 must be specifically approved by the Commission, except that recurring expenditures, such as for rent, telephone, employment, and professional services, may be approved as general budget items. Amounts less than $50.00 may be expended by general authorization, provided that records of general authorization expenditures must be transmitted to the Treasurer prior to any reimbursement for such funds.
Section 14. All checks must be signed by two officers one of whom must be either the Treasurer or the Chairperson.
Section 15. The officers shall have the assistance of the Commission staff in carrying out their duties as may be required.
Section 16. Any officer may be removed from office at any time by majority vote of the elected Commissioners, with or without cause.
Section 1. Each January the Commission shall decide on a schedule of meeting times and places for the next 12 months. The Commission, however, may modify the schedule if necessary. In case of an emergency, the Chairperson may reschedule the meeting time or location.
Section 2. No official action may be taken by the Commission unless a quorum is present and a majority of those "voting yea or nay" vote in favor of the action.
Section 3. A quorum is a majority of the current Commission members. However, there is not a quorum unless a majority of the SMDs have Commissioners.
Section 4. Special meetings of the Commission can be called by the Chairperson, the Executive Committee, or by written request of three Commission members. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the notice and no other topic may be discussed at that meeting.
Section 5. Any documents that the Commission will be voting on shall be completed and submitted to the full Commission at least 48 hours prior to the public meeting at which they will be considered. Special exceptions may be granted by a majority vote of the Commissioners present at the meeting.
Section 1. The Executive Committee shall consist of a) the Chairperson; b) the Vice-Chairperson; c) the Secretary; and, d) the Treasurer.
Section 2. The Executive Committee of the Commission shall have the authority to establish special committees.
Section 3. The Executive Committee of the Commission shall have the power to propose meeting agenda and make recommendations for the operation of the Commission.
Section 4. A majority of the members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.
Section 5. Meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the Chairperson or by a majority of the Committee.
Section 1. Committees shall be either standing committees or special committees. Standing committees are those created permanently by majority vote of the Commission. Special committees and Task Forces are those created temporarily by the Commission or the Executive Committee. Task Forces may be organized only on a temporary basis for a specific purpose.
Section 2. In accordance with District law, the chairmanship of each Commission committee or task force shall be open to any resident of the Commission area. The chairperson of each such committee or task force shall be appointed by the Commission. The Commission shall make a good faith effort to involve all segments of the Commission population in its deliberations regardless of race, sex, age, voting status, religion, economic status, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression.
Section 3. The Chairperson shall ensure that items requiring committee action are be referred to the appropriate committee(s) on receipt.
Section 4. Committee recommendations for Commission action shall be placed on the agenda for the first ANC meeting after they are adopted, if requested by the Committee.
Section 5. All Committee meetings shall be announced on the ANC website at least 24 hours in advance except in case of an emergency or for other good cause.
Section 6. Committees and Task Forces shall be advisory only, except that the Committee or Task Force determinations may be officially adopted by a vote of the Commission.
Section 1. The Commission may adopt rules to implement the requirements of these Bylaws and to enhance the efficiency and operation of the Commission. The rules may be adopted or amended by majority vote at any Commission meeting.
Section 2. The Commission shall adopt rules for the use of the ANC office and supplies based on the following two principles: (1) all Commissioners shall have equal access to the office; and, (2) the use of the office and Commission supplies shall meet "public purpose" test.
Section 3. The Commission shall adopt standing rules for handling constituent recommendations. The rules shall designate one person to ensure that constituent recommendations are referred to the proper Commissioner or government agency for action.
Section 1. Roberts' Rules of Order shall govern the Commission except where they are not consistent with District law, these bylaws or any standing rules the Commission may adopt.
Section 1. Revision of these Bylaws requires a majority vote of all Commissioners. Each Commission member shall have at least two weeks prior notice that an amendment(s) is being proposed to the Bylaws. The notice shall include the suggested change(s).
Section 2. These Bylaws shall be consistent with all Congressional and District legislation and other applicable laws regarding ANCs. Any inconsistencies are null and void. In the event any Article or Section of these Bylaws shall be found to fail to conform with District of Columbia Law then District of Columbia Law shall take precedence.
Section 1. If the Commission chooses to employ staff, it shall develop and implement a position description which will fully delineate the duties and responsibilities and expectations for the staff in terms of hours of work, location of work, supervision, timesheets and salary. This will be voted on, prior to the selection (hire) or extension of an offer, at an ANC public meeting, unless there are overriding reasons not to make the terms of the employment public.
Section 2. Each Commissioner has the responsibility for responding to their own single member district (SMD) issues. Subject to Section 3 of this Article X, no other Commissioner should interfere, or assume any responsibility, for another’s SMD. We recognize that there may be common issues and interests, but we agree, through these Bylaws, to respect the autonomy of each respective SMD areas. To the extent that a Commissioner may be approached by a resident of another SMD, the Commissioner will notify the elected SMD Commissioner and allow that Commissioner an opportunity to address the situation.
Section 3. Reassignment of Single Member District Work
Scope. This section applies when a Commissioner receives notice from a District agency, board, or commission about a matter affecting the SMD Commissioner's single-member district in which the Commission would be entitled to party status. These matters are:
a. Zoning cases before the Board of Zoning Adjustment or Zoning Commission;
b. Public space permits;
c. Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration license requests, renewals, or protests; and
d. Historic Preservation Review Board cases.
a. In the matters described in Article III, Section 3(1), the SMD Commissioner is expected to notify the Commission, and the SMD Commissioner’s neighborhood area, of the matter. This includes notifying neighborhood residents about upcoming ANC proceedings on the matter and conducting any meetings with the applicant and neighbors.
b. If a majority of the Commission’s officers conclude that a SMD Commissioner has failed to carry out the responsibilities described in Section 3(2), those officers may ask one or more SMD Commissioners to assume those responsibilities on the matter, as described in Article III, Section 3(2)(c) and (d) below.
c. The Officers shall make reasonable efforts to contact the SMD Commissioner through email, phone communication, or at one of the Commission’s meetings to understand why they are not responding to any items where they may intervene. It is not a requirement that the Officers wait until the Commissioner responds in order to intervene due to the time sensitivity of these cases.
d. The Officers shall notify the full Commission of their decision and inform the Commission which Commissioner, or Commissioners, will be intervening on behalf of the Commission.
Expectations for the Interveners.
a. The Commissioner or Commissioners that will intervene in these cases shall be responsible for doing the following:
i. Notifying the applicant and community that they will keep them apprised of the case and convey community feedback to the Commission. They shall also inform them when the Commission will have their case on the agenda for consideration and any instructions for participating in that meeting.
ii. Conducting appropriate community outreach based on the Commission's expectations and time available.
iii. Drafting any letters corresponding to the case for the Commission to consider
Commission Authority.
a. A majority of the Commission may vote to overturn the Officers’ decision to request other Commissioners intervene in these cases.
b. The Commission must vote to appoint a Commissioner or Commissioners to represent the Commission before any agency, board, or commission. Asking a Commissioner or Commissioners to intervene in community-facing work does not mean that they can represent the Commission before the agency, board, or commission unless duly voted to do so by the Commission.